Administration Fee

Non-refundable Administration Fee: $299

A non-refundable Administration Fee should be collected at the time of application to ensure the apartment is held for potential applicants, provided they pass the screening process. The non-refundable Administration Fee can be paid via debit or prepaid debit/credit card either online or at the kiosk in the office.  Note that the applicant must pay $4.95 processing fee for doing this. If the applicant fails to pass screening and is Denied, the Administration Fee can be refunded quickly by refunding the debit/credit card used to pay.

If the applicant insists on paying the Administration Fee with a money order (to avoid the $4.95 fee) then they need to be made aware that a refund will not be issued until 2-3 weeks after their original payment has cleared the bank.

The Administration Fee is in lieu of a deposit and simply holds the apartment for them for up to 3 days following notification that they have been approved. After being notified that they are approved then the applicants must sign a lease within 3 days or forfeit the Administration Fee. [Note that the new lease must begin on/before the 1st of the following month.]