LED bulbs

When replacing light bulbs we should be buying LED bulbs instead of CFL, halogen, fluorescent or incandescent. Not only do they consume less electricity when on but they generally last much longer – meaning less work for everyone. Also, for best pricing try to buy multi-packs for bulb shapes and styles that you use routinely.

Warning: Please shop around our vendors for competitive LED prices and watch for price gauging with LED bulbs. As a good rule of thumb check out the pricing of EcoSmart bulbs from Home Depot.

A19 bulbs

These should be just over $1/bulb for a normal, A19 bulb. In September 2018, Home Depot was selling a box of 24 EcoSmart LED bulbs, regular shape (A19) for $27.79/pack or $1.16/bulb. But if you’re not paying attention you could select another pack of 24 LED bulbs for over $160 or $6.74/bulb) – and we don’t need those. (September 2018 prices.)

As of June 2019, the 24 pack of EcoSmart LED bulbs did not appear to be available, but in its place they now have “60-Watt Equivalent A19 Non-Dimmable LED Light Bulb Daylight (32-Pack)” for $36.39 or just $1.14/bulb.

MR16 GU10 bulbs

You might consider that MR16 GU10 LED bulbs are somewhat of a specialty bulb. Even so, you have plenty of affordable options. But you must still watch for price gauging. There are a good selection of multi-packs available at Home Depot for less than $5.00/bulb (June 2019 prices). Yet if you were to order the same kind of bulbs individually from AZ Partsmaster they would be $12.97/bulb. Big difference!